Neznáme úseky riek najskôr prezrite, miesta, ktoré to vyža-
dujú prenášajte.
Nepreceňujte svoje schopnosti na vode, buďte na seba
Skôr než vyrazíte na vodu, konzultujte svoj zdravotný stav
s lekárom.
Dbajte na odporúčania výrobcu, týkajúce sa používania vý-
Owner's Manual canoe
A recreational vessel designed for use on internal waterways with an expected wind strength reaching
Grade 4 on the Beaufort Scale inclusive and a determining wave height of up to 0.3 metres inclusive, with
occasional waves up to 0.5 metres of height caused e.g. by vessels passing by.
The boat has been manufactured in compliance with the EN ISO 6185-1 Standard, Category IIIA.
Related standards: EN ISO 10087, EN ISO 10240, EN ISO 14945.
Dear Customer,
This manual will help you to easily and safely master your vessel.
It contains a detailed description of the vessel, the supplied or built-in
equipment, its sets as well as information about its control and mainte-
nance. Please read it carefully, thereby getting to know the boat before
actually using it.
If this is your fi rst vessel or you have changed the type of vessel and
do not know this type well, please get acquainted with its maintenance
and control prior to your fi rst individual use of the vessel so that it is safe
and comfortable.
Your dealer or the National Yacht Federation or club will recommend you
appropriate training courses or qualifi ed instructors.
Do not pull off until the expected sailing conditions (wind strength and
wave height) are appropriate for the construction category of your vessel
and you and your crew are able to control it in these conditions.
Please store this manual in a safe place and hand it over to the new
owner should you sell the vessel.
1. Table of Specifications
(Dimensions When Infl ated)
Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Number of air chambers
Dimensions – packed in carry bag (cm)
Dimensions – packed in cardboard (cm)
Maximum operational pressure
Weight (kg)
Load (kg)
Maximum number of people
Draught (cm)
The highest anchor above surface (cm)
2. Technical Descriptions – see Fig. 1
1. side drum
2. bottom
3. PUSH/PUSH valve – for infl ation/defl ation, pressure
control and pressure measuring by manometer
4. overpressure valve
5. seat with COMFORT PAD foam
6. fi xation belt for wild water (see Detail B)
Pred použitím výrobku nepožívajte alkohol a drogy.
Ak sa k člnu dodáva ďalšie vybavenie, používajte len mate-
riály odsúhlasené výrobcom.
Pred použitím výrobku si prečítajte príručku pre používateľa.
Používateľ tohto výrobku musí mať základnú vodácku zručno-
sť a musí si byť vedomý rizík, ktoré tento šport zahŕňa.
Záručný list je prílohou tejto príručky.
Table of Contents:
1. Table of Specifi cations
2. Technical Description
3. Infl ation Instructions
4. Using the Boat
5. Storage of the Boat
6. Treatment and Storage
7. Guarantee Conditions
8. Boat Repairs
9. Product Disposal Method
10. Packaging Disposal Method
11. Type Parameters Tag
12. Safety Caution
70 × 43 × 30
70 × 47,5 × 32
0,02 MPa [0,2 Bar/3 PSI]
7. screw with plastic nut (see Detail A)
8. seat fi xture
9. fi xture of the fi xation belt
10. fi xture of the reinforcement drum
11 reinforcement drum (children's seat)
12. baggage fi xation belt system
13. elastic loops with ball (see Detail C)
14. elastic net
15. fi xture of the safety rope
16. safety rope
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