3.5. Calling individuals
Via the telephone exchange, you can also make calls to individuals. The telephone exchange then functions as individual call system. An individual call signal
(ring rhythm) is assigned to every individual. After inserting the code for an individual, all apparatuses (except for apparatuses that automatically pick up)
reproduce this call signal. If the individual recognizes his/her individual call signal, he/she can pick up the receiver of an arbitrary apparatus.
3.5.1. Table with personal ring rhythms
Individual 1
Individual 2
Individual 3
Individual 4
Individual 5
Individual 6
Individual 7
Individual 8
3.5.2. Activating an individual call
Pick up the receiver. You hear the telephone exchange's dialing tone. Dial the individual code, e.g. ✱152 for individual 2. All apparatuses ring at the given
personal ring signal. The person recognizes his/her personal ring tone and picks up the receiver.
3.6. Urgency signal
If you wish to pass an urgent message to the users of the telephone exchange, dial the code of the urgency signal ✱150. All apparatuses (except for ap-
paratuses that automatically pick up) reproduce this urgency signal.
3.6.1. Urgency ring rhythm
Urgency call
3.6.2. Starting the urgency signal
Pick up the receiver. You hear the dialing tone of the telephone exchange. Dial the code of the urgency signal ✱150. All selected apparatuses give the
urgency signal. If the receiver of the apparatus is picked up, the connection is established. If no receiver is picked up or the receiver of the apparatus that
is making the call is put down again, the urgency call stops.
3.7. Rest position, do not disturb
Every apparatus can be programmed in order not to ring in case of a call (do not disturb). Make this setting by means of inserting a code on the apparatus
that has to be put in rest position. You can choose to exclude internal or external calls or both. Making external calls on this apparatus is still possible. If this
function is activated, you hear a two-tone, interrupted sound when picking up the receiver. The person who makes the call hears the busy signal. Activating
or deactivating the rest position always overwrites the previous setting.
3.7.1. Codes
deactivating 'do not disturb' (unset): 1 long, low tone in confirmation
activating 'do not disturb' for all groups (set): 2 brief, high tones in confirmation
activating 'do not disturb' for internal line (set): 2 brief, high tones in confirmation
activating 'do not disturb' for external line (set): 2 brief, high tones in confirmation
3.7.2. Activating rest position
Pick up the receiver. You hear the dialing tone of the telephone exchange. Dial the code of the desired set, e.g. ✱161 to activate 'do not disturb' for all calls.
The telephone exchange confirms this setting with 2 brief, high tones. Put the receiver down.
3.7.3. Deactivating rest position
Pick up the receiver. Deactivate the rest position with code ✱160. The telephone exchange confirms this setting with 1 long, low tone. Put the receiver
3.8. Day and night setting
Your telephone exchange is provided with a day and night setting and a daytime overflow function. For all groups and external lines, you can set all ap-
paratuses that have to ring at a certain moment by means of EasySetup (see 5.4 and 5.6).
The exchange is provided with an internal clock that is synchronized with the incoming call via the calling number identification presentation (if this service
is activated by your network supplier). If you do not have this service, you can set the date and clock of the exchange yourself.
Thanks to the internal clock, you can automatically switch between day and night setting at a given moment. You can also manually switch between day
and night setting. This way, you can e.g. send incoming calls to an answering machine during the lunch break and in the evening (night setting) and to a
number of apparatuses during the day.
3.8.1. Setting clock and date manually
✱450hhmm setting time, hhmm: time in 24h notation system from 0000 to 2359
✱451ddmm setting date, ddmm: 2 digits for the day 01 to 31 and 2 for the month 01 to 12
The telephone exchange confirms this setting with 2 brief, high tones. The telephone exchange does not test the given values. Any impossible value is
converted into a valid one within one minute (value for hour > 23 = 0, for minutes > 59 = 0, for month > 12 = 1, for day > days in selected month = 1).
You are responsible for the accuracy of the information.