4.2.5. Files
4.2.6. Sending configuration to the telephone exchange
After making the necessary settings in the configuration program EasySetup (see), you can send the configuration to the exchange. If the configuration has
been modified, this is indicated by means of a star '*' after the file name in the title bar. After having made the modifications in the configuration program,
return to the scheet 'Programming'.
Finally, click 'Finish'. EasySetup checks if the settings contain errors. In numbers are used twice, the following error report is sent.
You first have to correct these numbers. Another possible mistake is the group usage of apparatuses that automatically pick up (fax machine, answering
machine...). The following error report is sent:
If you are sure your settings are correct, you can send the info by clicking 'Yes'. Klick 'No' to make corrections before sending.
If everything is set correctly, but the settings have been modified (* in the title bar), EasySetup asks to first save the changes.
With File 'Open', you can open a previously saved file. If you select this function, the Windows dialog box for open-
ing files appears. The file that you choose is a valid CVS file (comma separated value). If the format is not correct,
EasySetup generates an error.
With the option 'Save', you can save a file on your pc. Before a modified file is sent to the exchange, EasySetup sug-
gests this possibility (see).