The KaWe MASTERLIGHT HL / LED lamp comes with a power adaptor.
Caution! The power adaptor is a protection class II unit.
7.1 Environmental conditions
+10° C
+40° C*
Relative humidity
30 %
75 %
Air pressure
700 hPa
1060 hPa
*for higher temperatures, please consult manufacturer
–10° C
+50° C
Relative humidity
30 %
75 %
Air pressure
700 hPa
1060 hPa
7.2 Instructions on the packaging
Temperature range
Humidity during
Air pressure during
during transport and
transport and
transport and
+50° C
–10° C
20% - 90%
700hPa - 1060hPa
These KaWe examination lights are subject to special safety measures with regard to EMC requirements and must be installed in accordance
with the enclosed EMC instructions. The functionality of these KaWe examination lights can be influenced by portable and mobile HF
communication devices.
Guidelines and manufacture declaration – Electromagnetic emissions
The KaWe MASTERLIGHT HL / LED is designed to be used in the types of electromagnetic environments listed below.
The customer or user is responsible for ensuring that this device is used in such an environment.
Emissions Measurement
Conformity Electromagnetic environment – Guidelines
The KaWe MASTERLIGHT HL / LED uses high-frequency energy solely for its internal
Type-CISPR 11 –
Group 1
OPERATION. Its high-frequency emissions are therefore very low and it is unlikely that
high-frequency emissions
any nearby electronic equipment will be adversely effected.
Type-CISPR 11 –
Class B
high-frequency emissions
The KaWe MASTERLIGHT HL / LED is designed for use in all facilities including living
Harmonic oscillations according
Class A
spaces that are directly connected to a public low-voltage power supply network that
to IEC 61000-3-2
also supplies power to buildings used for domestic purposes.
Voltage fluctuations / flicker emissi-
ons according to IEC 61000-3-3
7.3 Important information
If multiple lamps are used at once, the total irradiance may exceed
1,000 W/m² due to superposition of the luminous fields. As a result,
there is a risk that the illuminated field may become very hot. The su-
perposition of the luminous fields of multiple lights may cause the
limit values for UV radiation (<400 nm) of 10 W/m² to be exceeded. If
other lights or appliances are connected together during installation,
section 16 of EN 60601-A1:2012 applies and if necessary, the compli-
ance with the requirements is to be verified. KaWe examination lamps
are subject to special safety measures with regard to electromagnetic
compatibility. The function of KaWe examination lamps can be influ-
enced by high-frequency communication devices. (Heed the following
KaWe MASTERLIGHT HL / LED products comply with the guide-
lines 93/42/EWG for medical products from the council of the Euro-
pean communities. The applicable standard is EN 60601-2-41. The
company KaWe is certified according to EN ISO 13485:2012 + AC:2012.
At the end of its product life, the lamp's components are to be
disposed of properly. Ensure that the materials are sorted carefully ac-
cording to type. The electrical circuit boards are to be disposed of at an
appropriate recycling centre. The lamp's housing and the rest of the
components should be disposed of according to their type of material.
Guidelines and Manufacturer Declaration – Electromagnetic Interference Immunity
The KaWe MASTERLIGHT HL / LED is designed to be used in the types of environments listed below.
The customer or user of the KaWe MASTERLIGHT HL / LED is responsible for ensuring that this device is used in such an environment.
Interference immunitytest IEC 60601-test level
discharge (ESD)
± 6kV contact discharge
according to
± 8 kV air discharge
IEC 61000-4-2
± 2kV for power supply lines
Fast transient electrical
± 1kV for input and
disturbances/ bursts according
output lines
to IEC 61000-4-4
=> not applicable
± 1 kV differential mode
Surges according to
IEC 61000-4-5
± 2 kV common mode voltage
< 5 % UT
(>95 % dip in the UT )
for a ½ period
40 % UT
(60 % dip in the UT )
Voltage dips, short interrup-
for 5 periods
tions and voltage variations
on power supply input lines
70 % UT
according to IEC 61000-4-11
(30 % dip in the UT )
for 25 periods
< 5 % UT
(>95 % dip in the UT )
for 5 seconds
Magnetic field with a power
frequency of (50/60 Hz) ac-
3 A/m
cording to IEC 61000-4-8
Note: Uτ is the mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
Electromagnetic environment
Compliance level
– guidelines
The flooring should be wood
or concrete or be covered with
± 6kV contact discharge
ceramic tile. If the floor material is a
± 8 kV air discharge
non-conductive, synthetic material,
the relative humidity of the air must
be at least 30%.
± 2kV for power supply lines
The quality of the mains supply
± 1kV for input and
voltage should be the same as that
output lines
of a typical commercial or hospital
=> not applicable
The quality of the mains supply
± 1 kV differential mode
voltage should be the same as that
of a typical commercial or hospital
± 2 kV common mode voltage
< 5 % UT
(>95 % dip in the UT )
for a ½ period
The quality of the mains supply
voltage should be the same as that
40 % UT
of a typical commercial or hospital
(60 % dip in the UT )
for 5 periods
If the user of the KaWe MASTER-
LIGHT HL / LED requires continued
70 % UT
operation during power interrup-
(30 % dip in the UT )
tions, it is recommended that the
for 25 periods
powered from an uninterruptable
< 5 % UT
power supply or a battery.
(>95 % dip in the UT )
for 5 seconds
Magnetic fields with their line
frequencies should be the same as
30 A/m
those typical of commercial and
hospital environments.