3.3 Functional description
and 2-component
coaxial (Category A/D/E/H)
Connect compressed air (max. 8 bar) to the connection (9)
■ ■
(Observe the compressed-air supply requirements (see Chap-
ter «3.4 Technical data»).
Press the trigger (3) to activate the pneumatic piston of the
■ ■
drive unit (15). The piston (8) extends and forces material from
the cartridge.
The compound being dispensed from the cartridge is fed into
■ ■
the nozzle. The flow rate can be adjusted by the adjustment
wheel (4).
When finished, the cartridge can be removed or replaced.
■ ■
If replaced, the new cartridge is used to push back the piston (8).
■ ■
If a retract button (10) is present (Category H) – the piston is
■ ■
retracted by pressing this.
Dispose of the used cartridge in accordance with the specifi-
■ ■
cations supplied by the manufacturer.
(Category G/H/I/J)
Connect compressed air (Max. 8 bar) to the connection (9) Ob-
■ ■
serve the compressed-air supply requirements (see Chapter
«3.4 Technical data»).
Press the trigger (3) to activate the pneumatic piston of the
■ ■
drive unit (15). The pistons (8) extend and force material from
the cartridge.
The compounds being dispensed from the cartridge are si-
■ ■
multaneously fed into the static Mixer. The flow rate can be
adjusted by the adjustment wheel (4).
When finished, the cartridge can be removed or replaced.
■ ■
If a retract knob (13) is present (Category G / I / J) – the pistons
■ ■
are retracted by pulling this.
If a retract button (10) is present (Category H) – the pistons are
■ ■
retracted by pressing this.
Dispose of the used cartridge in accordance with the specifi-
■ ■
cations supplied by the manufacturer.
(Category B/C/E/F/K)
Connect compressed air (Max. 8 bar) to the connection (9)
■ ■
(Observe the compressed-air supply requirements (see Chap-
ter «3.4 Technical data»).
Press the trigger (3) to activate the pneumatic piston of the
■ ■
drive unit (15). The piston (8) extends and forces material from
the sausage.
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The compound being dispensed from the sausage is fed into
■ ■
the nozzle (6). The flow rate can be adjusted by the adjustment
wheel (4) – if present.
When finished, the sausage can be removed or replaced.
■ ■
If replaced, the new sausage is used to push back the piston (8).
■ ■
If a retract knob (13) is present (Category C / F) – the piston is
■ ■
retracted by pulling this.
If a retract button (10) is present (Category K) – the piston is
■ ■
retracted by pressing this.
Dispose of the used sausage in accordance with the specifica-
■ ■
tions supplied by the manufacturer.
If your dispenser is of a Cate-
gory that is designed for using
1-component cartridges as well as
sausages, simply click on and off
the sausage-piston according to
the need.
Cartridge and sausage are not part of the scope
of delivery.
3.4 Technical data
Operating pressure: max. 8 bar (max. 116 psi)
Compressed air supply: max. 8 bar (max. 116 psi) - oil-free
Air requirements: ISO 8573-1 class 2.4.2
Pressure adjustment: gradual pressure adjustment
Sound level: >85 dB (A)
Weight: See webpage www.sulzer.com
Dimensions: See webpage www.sulzer.com (picture on page 6).
Recommended operating temperature for the device*: +5°C to
+ 40°C
Relative humidity: 30% - 80% RH (non-condensing)
*) Observe the safety instructions from the cartridge/sausage
supplier, see chapter «2.8.1 Hazards from chemical material
dispensed by the device».
4. Start up
Incorrect use of the cartridges/sausages/plun-
ger discs.
Risk of injury caused by bursting of the car-
tridges/ sausages!
Risk of damage to the dispenser!
Never use cartridges that are inappropriate for
■ ■
the plunger.