The fan has 12 diff erent ti mer levels that can be set up to a maximum durati on
of 12 hours in one hour steps. For this purpose, press the "Timer" butt on on the
remote control or the operati ng panel of the fan.
Increase the durati on of the ti mer by pressing the butt on repeatedly.
Press the "MODE" butt on to set the fan mode.
Here you can choose between three diff erent modes.
Functi on
The fan rotates constantly at the adjusted speed in "Normal"
mode. You can enable the swing functi on if you select this
The fan rotates slowly in the "sleep" mode. You can enable the
swing functi on if you set this mode.
The fan rotates quickly in the "Natural" mode. You can enable
the swing functi on in this mode.
Speed indicator
Timer and temperature
3 diff erent modes
Oscillati on indicator