9-3 Sterilization
This product must be autoclaved. Autoclave sterilization is required after use on each patient as described below.
Autoclavable items: Ultrasonic Tip, Ultrasonic Handpiece, Powder Handpiece (for Prophy use), Powder Handpiece (for Perio use, option), Tip
Wrench, Sterilization Case, Perio-Mate Nozzle Tip Remover (option)
1) Insert the items into an autoclave pouch. Seal the pouch.
2) Autoclave under the conditions below.
Autoclave for more than 20 min. at 121˚C, 15 min. at 132˚C or 3 min. at 134˚C.
3) Keep the items in the autoclave pouch to maintain sterility until it is used.
Sterilization Case
The Ultrasonic Handpiece, Ultrasonic Tip and Tip Wrench can be sterilized together
using a Sterilization Case. Four Tip Wrenches and Tips can be set at once (Fig. 40).
1) Remove the Tip after use. (Refer to "7-2 Mounting the Tip.") Tip is set inside the
Tip Wrench.
2) Set the Tip Wrench with Tip attached into the Sterilization Case.
3) Set the Ultrasonic Handpiece into the Sterilization Case.
Sterilization Case cannot be used for the Powder Handpiece.
Do not autoclave the product with other instruments even when it is in a pouch. This is to prevent possible discoloration and
damage to the product from chemical residue on other instruments.
Keep the product in suitable atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, ventilation, and sunlight. The air should be free from
dust, salt and sulphur.
If the sterilizer chamber temperature may exceed 135˚C during the dry cycle then delete the dry cycle.
Autoclave sterilization is recommended for the product. The validity of other sterilization methods is not confirmed.
Do not autoclave the Handpiece Cord and the O-Ring. Disinfect the Handpiece Cord with a cloth soaked in alcohol after every
Do not use high acid water or sterilizing solutions to wipe, immerse or clean the product.
NSK recommends Class B sterilizers as stated in EN13060.
Repeated autoclaving may cause the ultrasonic handpiece to become discolored due to heat. However, this is due to properties
of the product and is not a problem in terms of quality.
Fig. 40