The radio and G1 will
not successfully pair.
When using an RSM,
pressing the large user
button does not transmit
audio through the G1.
The Motorola radio is
pairing to the wrong
The audio is cutting in
and out and is not
coming through in a
consistent way.
Possible Solution
The G1 may not be
Enable Bluetooth on the G1
Bluetooth enabled.
SCBA using the Bluetooth
The Bluetooth icon
accessory enable tag per the
on the control
instructions in the user manual.
module is gray.
Single Screen Radios - Ensure
that the side middle (one dot)
button is being pressed the
entire time. Do not release the
button until an audible indication
is given by the radio that the
The pairing process
pairing was successful. This can
can take up to
take up to 30 seconds.
30 seconds.
Two Screen Radios - It is not
necessary to hold the button
during the pairing attempt, but
the process may take up to
30 seconds
This is the expected
The smaller user button on the
behavior of the
RSM must be depressed to
Motorola RSM.
transmit audio through the G1.
The Motorola and/or
G1 SCBA was previ-
Clear the pairing information on
ously paired to a
both devices per the instructions
different radio and/or
in the user manual.
The facepiece may
not be properly
sealed on the end
user's face.
Adjust the facepiece until a
An improper face
proper seal is formed.
seal will also result in
the G1 speaker
module cutting in and
Expected Result
The Bluetooth icon on
the G1 SCBA control
module will be either:
Red = enabled and
unpaired or enabled and
paired, but not
Green = Enabled and
Successful pairing
between the G1 and
Motorola radio
The smaller user button
will allow for the trans-
mission of audio through
the G1.
The G1 SCBA and radio
will be able to be paired
to the desired units.
Outgoing audio will
return to normal and will
not cut in and out.