WARNING: If a user code is of type "Worker" or "Guest" and the system changes the
user code type to "Owner" the associated user code will be given access to the lock 24/7
regardless of any entry schedules defined for the user in the lock.
2.2 Configuration Parameter 31
Parameter Name: Dipswitch Settings
Data Length: 1 byte
Default Value: 5 (Buzzer enabled and Lock Status LED enabled)
Possible Values:
Configuration parameter is a one byte read only bit mask that returns the state of the user
accessible dipswitches on the rear panel of the door lock.
The following table shows the definition for the bits being used in the returned value:
0 (0x01)
1 (0x02)
2 (0x04)
3 (0x08)
2.3 Configuration Parameters 33 and 34
Parameter Name: SKU (length = 8 bytes)
Data Length: 4 bytes (each parameter)
Default Values for 33 and 34: 32, 32, 32, 32 (all spaces)
Possible Values: From 32 to 126 (All printable characters will be accepted)
all features disabled
Lock status LED enabled
Autolock enabled
Internal buzzer Enabled
Auto lock & Lock status LED enabled
Internal buzzer and Lock status LED enabled
All features enabled
Lock status LED (1:enabled)
Autolock setting (1:enabled)
Buzzer (1:enabled)
Special function depending on lock type
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