A. Your Safety and Stability
Ki Mobility manufactures many different wheelchairs that might meet your needs. You should
consult an Assistive Technology Professional when selecting which model would best meet
your particular requirements and how the wheelchair should be set up and adjusted. Final
selection of the type of wheelchair, options and adjustments rests solely with you and your
medical professional. The options you choose and the set-up and adjustment of the
wheelchair have a direct impact on its stability. Factors to consider that affect your safety and
stability are:
a. Your personal abilities and capabilities including strength, balance and coordination.
b. The types of hazards and obstacles you might encounter during your day.
c. The specific dimensions, options and set up. In particular, the seat height, seat depth,
seat angle, back angle, size and position of the rear wheels and size and position of the
front casters. Any change to any of these items will change the stability of your
wheelchair. You should only make changes after consulting with a qualified