3. Create a password to protect your data on the D300. Enter it in the 'Password' field, then re-enter it in the
'Password Confirmation' field, as seen below in Figure 3.3. The password you create must meet the
following criteria before the initialization process will allow you to continue:
1. Passwords must contain 8 characters or more (up to 16 characters.)
2. Passwords must contain three (3) of the following criteria options:
- UPPER CASE, lower case, numeric, and/or special characters (!, $, etc.)
You may also enter a password hint, but it is not a mandatory field. The hint field can be useful in providing
a clue as to what the password is, should the password ever be forgotten. (Note: The hint CANNOT be an
exact match to the password.)
Document No. 48000130-001.A00
Figure 3.3 – Password Setup
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