Junior Plus 2/4/6/8
All valves do
not turn on
Valve stays ON
Valve will not
turn ON
display "24V"
1. Verify program.
2. Check valve "
wire for proper hook-up.
3. Check the controller to
make sure it's not in
OFF mode.
4. Make sure transformer is
properly installed.
1. Verify watering duration.
2. Check the valve manual
lever (or bleed closure).
3. Disconnect wire to valve.
If still ON, valve is bad.
4. Check solenoid for
obstruction or wiring
5. Check valve for rocks
or other obstructions
or damaged diaphragm.
1. Verifiy that water is turned
on to valves.
2. Verify that watering
duration is programmed.
3. Make sure valve wires are
connected on both the
terminal and the solenoid.
4. Check for shorted valve
1. Power failure occurred
during last AUTO cycle.
It will disappear on next
cycle start if power is
2. Check the fuse. If bad,
check wiring connection
for shorts. Install new
.5 amp. fuse.
3. Make sure transformer is
properly installed.
4. Make sure solenoid rating
is less than 3 watts and
examine the solenoid for
breaks or bad connections
or shorts.