Installing the Knee and Seat Pads
The knee and seat pads on this equipment are attached directly to the
movement arm.
To install the pads:
1. Place the seat pad over the four screw holes on the movement arm.
2. Insert four ⁵₁₆-inch x 3¹₄-inch screws with 9 mm flat washers through the
screw holes on the movement arm and into the holes on the seat pad, as
shown in the following figure. Tighten the screws completely.
Figure 12: Seat pad attachment
Calf Raise Assembly Guide: Assembling the Equipment
3. Hold a knee pad up to the knee pad frame so that its narrow end faces the
center post. Insert two ⁵₁₆-inch x 3¹₄-inch screws with 9 mm flat washers
through the screw holes on the knee pad frame and into the holes on the
knee pad, as shown in the following figure. Tighten the screws completely.
Figure 13: Knee pad attachment
4. Repeat the previous step to attach the remaining knee pad.