balance 0x02.
Après que le PC reçoit les données de la balance 0x02, si c'est
nécessaire transmettre la commande, switch a c.
PC envoi la fin du package
PC achève aprés la réception de la réponse 0x02.
Commencement du package, fixed 6 bytes: 11 00 00 00 00 EF5
Fin du package, fixed 6 bytes: 33 00 00 00 00 CD
Commande d´envoi du package, commande de réponse du package, le
format est le suivant:
Cmd type adr1 adr0 datlen [dat] checksum
cmd: Only 55 read command or 77 write command.
type: Operating data type is as follows:
f9: Unit price or PLU
f4: Total price
adr1, adr0: Form 2 bytes integer adr=adr1*100+adr0
When adr is 0, stands for operating current unit price or total price
When adr is not 0, stands for operating memory area PLU, at this time adr
is PLU's positon.
adr1 = (DC+pluN*4)/100
adr0 = (DC+pluN*4)%100
datlen: Data length of reading or writing. Data length of PLU is 4
[dat]: The data of writing command,length is decided by datlen
checksum: checksum, checksum= 100-