Case 1:
Initial start and then arm.
Sleep after detecting human movement twice.
No human movement within 3 minutes
Switch from sleep to arm.
Pairing to Control Panel
Control panel enters pairing state
Make the control panel in pairing state.
Press the test button
Press the test button on the back of the detector twice, the control
panel beeps once to indicate a successful pairing.
If the control panel beeps twice when the above operation is done, it
means the detector has been paired already.
Case 2:
Press the test button and then arm.
3 minutes later
It is to check whether the PIR motion detector can work properly
or not.
Arm the system
Make sure the alarm system is in armed state.
Trigger an alarm
Press the test button until an alarm
is triggered. The detector is proved
to be connected successfully and
ready for installation.
Avoid installing the motion detector directly toward
windows or near heat sources, such as heat extraction units, air-
condition, micro-wave oven, refrigerator etc. Also try to avoid
placing two motion detectors in the opposite of each other and
don't place them in each other's detection range.