(BELGIUM programme)
Ingredients (for 8 waffl es)
3 separated eggs (Class M) • 420 ml of
milk • 125 g of unsalted butter • 1 vanilla
pod (alternatively: 1 teaspoon of vanilla
fl avouring) • 200 g of fl our • 1 teaspoon of
baking powder • 1 pinch of baking soda •
50 g of sugar
1. Separate the eggs and melt the butter.
2. Stir together the egg yolk, melted
butter, milk and vanilla fl avouring with
a whisk in a medium-sized bowl to
create a uniform mixture.
3. Mix together the fl our, baking powder,
baking soda and sugar in a large bowl.
Form a hollow in the middle.
4. Pour the butter / egg / milk / vanilla
mixture into the hollow and carefully
stir everything together to create a
homogeneous batter.
5. Beat the three egg whites with a hand
mixer to create beaten egg white. Then
carefully fold the beaten egg white into
the batter mixture.
This will make the waffl es deliciously
light and airy.
(Classic programme)
Ingredients (for 8 waffl es)
3 eggs (Class M) • 420 ml of milk • 125 g
of unsalted butter • 1 vanilla pod (alterna-
tively: 1 teaspoon of vanilla fl avouring) •
200 g of fl our • 1 teaspoon of baking
powder • 1 pinch of baking soda • 50 g of
1. Melt the butter.
2. Stir together the eggs, melted butter,
milk and vanilla fl avouring with a whisk
in a medium-sized bowl to create a
uniform mixture.
3. Mix together the fl our, baking powder,
baking soda and sugar in a large bowl.
Form a hollow in the middle.
4. Pour the butter / egg / milk / vanilla
mixture into the hollow and carefully
stir everything together to create a
homogeneous batter.
(BUTTERMILK programme)
Ingredients (for 8 waffl es)
3 eggs (Class M) • 600 ml of buttermilk
• 80 ml of vegetable oil • 300 g of fl our •
1 teaspoon of baking powder • ½ teaspoon
of salt • 60 g of sugar
1. Stir together the buttermilk, oil and
eggs with a whisk in a medium-sized
bowl to create a uniform mixture.
2. Mix together the fl our, baking powder
and sugar in a large bowl. Form a
hollow in the middle.
3. Pour the buttermilk / oil / egg mix-
ture into the hollow and carefully stir
everything together to create a homo-
geneous batter.