2. Press red button on Harness Buckle
to release Buckle Tongues, then
separate Chest Clip and spread
Harness Straps apart.
3. Place child in Car Seat with child's
back and bottom flat against the Car
Seat. Pull Harness Straps over the
child's shoulders and around the
child's waist. Straps must lie flat,
free of twists, and in the center of
the child's shoulders.
NOTE: If Buckle Strap is under
child, it will need to be adjusted (see
pg. 44).
To ensure a better fit with smaller
infants, the Body Pillow may need to
be used (see pg. 47). NEVER place
extra padding under or behind the
child. ONLY USE the Body Pillow that
comes with your original car seat.
Securing the Child With Harness