2" x 6" x 91-1/2"
2" x 6" x 38-1/4"
(existing board)
2" x 6" x 45-1/2"
1. Reposition the bottom 2" x 6" x 38-1/4"
base board previously removed to the
back of the 4" x 4" posts. Counterbore
the front of the posts using a 1-1/8"
spade bit approximately 1/2" deep and
re-attach the board using two 5"
carriage bolts, wood loc washers,
washers and loc nuts.
2. Assemble the tower step as indicated in
Fig. 2A below using two 3" screws per
joint. Position the step assembly in the
opening as shown and attach to the unit
using two 3" screws on each side, both
top and bottom.
3. Attach the 2" x 6" x 91-1/2" and 2" x 6"
x 45-1/2" boards to the base of the unit
using four 3" screws per joint (two if
attaching to a 2" x 4" upright).
4. Using the existing bolt holes as a guide,
drill 3/8" holes through the previously
attached 2" x 6" base boards. Secure
each joint using a 5" carriage bolt, wood
loc washer, washer and loc nut.
5. Drill an additional hole through the
center upright and 2" x 6" base board
as indicated. Counterbore the 4" x 4"
approximately 1/2" deep at the hole
location. Secure the joint using a 5"
carriage bolt, wood loc washer, washer
and loc nut.
6. Attach the 2" x 6" x 40-1/4" base board
to the ends of the existing base boards
using two 3" screws per joint.
2" x 6" x 40-1/4"
2" x 4" x 17"
2" x 4" x 27-1/4"
2" x 4" x 17"