5. Up arrow key (
): During "temperature display mode": pressing this key for more than 5 seconds
activates the setting mode. During "setting mode": pressing this key allows the (blinking) figure on the
temperature display to be changed [pages 21 - 26]. The lock for the chamber temperature setting can
also be set to ON or OFF by pressing this key [page 22].
6. Scroll key (
): During "temperature display mode": pressing this key for more than 5 seconds
enables "locking of the chamber temperature setting" [page 22]. During "setting mode": pressing this key
moves the user between the different (blinking) digits to be entered on the temperature display [pages 21
- 26].
7. Set key (SET): Pressing this key activates the chamber temperature setting mode [page 21]. Press
this key to enter the required value during the setting procedure [pages 21 - 26].
8. Alarm test key (ALARM TEST): This key is used to check the operation of buzzer, alarm indicator and
remote alarm terminal [page 31].
9. Buzzer stop key (BUZZER): The buzzer is silenced by pressing this key when the alarm indicator
blinks and the buzzer sounds. (The remote alarm cannot be cancelled.)
"temperature display mode": the status when the current chamber temperature is displayed on the
temperature display.
"setting mode": the status when the input on the temperature display can be changed by pressing the
up arrow key for more than 5 seconds.