• EAP-PEAPv0 Extensible Authentication
Protocol‐Protected Extensible Authentication
Protocol. The following fields appear:
• Authentication Process verifying identity
of wireless device or end user to allow
access to the network. This field is
automatically set to EAP-MSCHAPV2.
• Password A unique combination of letters
and/or symbols that allows user access.
Username Name of designated user.
Certification Authority User must be logged
in with the same username that was used when
the client certificate was installed.
For EAP‐TLS, issuer of client certificate as
recognized by the authentication server.
For EAP‐PEAP0, a trusted third party that
guarantees that the user is who he or she claims.
Archiver configuration (page 1)
Name Network host name for an archiver.
Alias Personalized name for an archiver.
IP Address Unique identifier for the archiver.
Port Device port number. IP port 104 is typically
assigned for DICOM.
AE Title Archiver DICOM Application Entity
Title. May contain special characters.
Ping Select to determine whether the IP address
is accessible. The system displays OK or Failed.
Archiver configuration (page 2)
Images Defines how images are sent to the
archiver: RGB (uncompressed), Mono
(uncompressed), or JPEG.
Image Type List of archiver image types, based on
capture mode.
Clips Defines how clips are sent to the archiver.
Selections include RGB (uncompressed), Mono
(uncompressed), and JPEG.
Attempts Number of times the system tries to
resend a failed transfer.
Interval (sec) Length of time between attempts.
Send Images Only If the check box is selected,
only images (no clips) are transferred.
Available only if Image Type is set to Ultrasound.
Printer configuration (page 1)
Name Network host name for a printer. Cannot
contain special characters.
Alias Personalized name for a printer. May
contain special characters.
Model List of Agfa, Codonics, and Kodak printer
models. If your model is not listed, choose
a generic model at the end of the list.
IP Address Unique identifier for the printer.
Port Device port number. IP port 104 is typically
assigned for DICOM.
AE Title Printer DICOM Application Entity Title.
May contain special characters.
Ping Select to determine whether the IP address
is accessible. The system displays OK or Failed.
Printer configuration (page 2)
Film Size Film sizes supported by the printer.
Film Type Film medium supported by the printer.
Destination Location film is placed after it is
Format Number of columns and rows in the
image printout.
Orientation Film layout.
Attempts Number of times the system tries to
resend a failed image transfer.
Interval (sec) Length of time between attempts.
Copies Number of copies to print for each image.
Priority Importance of the print job.