2. Product description
a) Exploded view and description
Upper part of nebulizer can be used with 3 different accessories (mouth piece, adult or paediatric mask)
depending on its use.
b) Choice of the accessory
The choice of accessory is made according to the patient's abilities to use the device. If the patient is a child or a
person who cannot hold the mouth piece, it is better to use mask. In other cases, mouth piece is recommended.
3. Cleaning / disinfection of accessories
a) Cleaning
Before the first use and after each session:
1. Dismantle each element
Upper part of the
Selector M
Tube 6x9, 1m length
2. Clean them in soapy water
Adult mask
Mouth piece
and rinse them
Paediatric mask
3. Let the elements dry on a clean