sectIoN 6
d. the power is on, display does not show current setting but shows "esp-101".
The machine has detected a premature torch trigger condition. Disengage the torch trigger and restart the ma-
chine. (As a safety precaution, the ESP-101 will not power up with the torch trigger engaged.)
e. the power is on, but nothing happens when torch switch is operated.
1. Ensure that torch is securely connected to the power source.
2. Torch should be checked for switch function.
3. If torch switch is functional, machine will need servicing.
f. Air is on, but nothing happens when torch switch is operated.
1. Error 21 will appear if the pilot arc path is not completed.
a. Check consumables, replace them if necessary.
b. Check torch for good connection to power source.
c. If it still gives this error, the machine may need to be serviced.
2. Error 20 will appear if the torch piston does not retract.
a. Check and clean torch consumables.
b. Check that source pressure is greater than 80 psi (5.5 bar).
c. Check that air flows out of the torch.
d. If it still gives this error, the machine may need to be serviced.
3. Error 13 will appear if the machine does not provide OCV.
a. Send unit to an Authorized Repair Station for repair.
G. pilot Arc is on but main Arc does not transfer.
1. Make sure work clamp is connected to work table.
a. Measure continuity between work terminal and the work piece or table.
b. Make work clamp connection to clean bare metal of work piece or table.
c. If clamping to a work table, ensure good contact between work piece and the table.
2. Check the torch. Replace consumables if necessary.