LI-LT Series Sizing
Watts LI-LT lint troughs are sized by length, in relation to the number of washing
machines serviced.
LI-LT Series Placement & Installation
LI-LT lint troughs are designed to be poured in a concrete slab behind banks of
commercial washing machines. Troughs should be positioned directly behind the
washers, enabling machine discharge hoses to be directed into the trough.
Connect the trough outlet to the piping system with a suitable no hub or transition
coupling (by others). The outlet piping should be trapped as required by local code.
LI-LT Series Maintenance
Cleaning should be performed regularly to avoid the filter screens becoming
clogged and maintain the efficiency of the trough. The required frequency of clean-
ing is dependent upon the volume of incoming debris.
To clean the trough, collect and remove any large debris that has settled in front of
the first screen. Remove the screens and dome strainer, and clean any accumulat-
ed lint or debris from the inside of the trough, the screens and the dome strainer.
Replace the screens and dome strainer.
Sand Interceptors - SA & ST Series
Watts SA and ST Series Sand interceptors are specified in manufacturing facilities
or run-off areas to separate sand, sediment, and grit from wastewater or rainwater
streams. The heavier-than-water debris is separated by gravity, and collected at the
bottom of the interceptor.