Frying table
This table shows the food product quantities and required temperature and frying times. If
the instruction on the product pack should deviate from the values shown in this table, the
instruction on the pack should be followed.
Fresh chips
Frozen chips
Frozen scampi
Fresh � sh in batter
Frozen � sh in batter
Chicken portions,
Fresh chicken
drumsticks in
bread crumbs
Beef burgers
(100% meat)
800 g
800 g
Enough to cover the
base of the basket
150 g
150 g
150 g
2 or 3
depending on size
250 g
190 °C
190 °C
170 °C
190 °C
170 °C
170 °C
170 °C
170 °C
10-12 min
10 min
3-5 min
5-10 min
10-15 min
15-20 min
15 min
2-3 min