9.2 Method
Milk should be expressed from each breast
in turn. The different settings you can
choose for your pumping session allow you
to emulate the natural suckling action of
your baby as closely as possible.
• In the "stimulation phase", the rhythm is
rapid and urgent to stimulate the milk
flow reflex. This emulates the suckling
action of most babies, which will initially
suck rapidly and avidly at the start of
• In the "milk flow phase", suction is slow
and strong to ensure maximum milk flow.
Again, this corresponds to most babies'
natural behaviour. As soon as a baby's
initial appetite is satisfied, it will change
to a calm, slow and intensive sucking
action while drinking its fill.
If the milk flow drops:
• Change breasts
• Alternatively,
stimulate your milk flow reflex anew.
The amount of time needed to express milk
will vary considerably from one person to
9.3 Quantity of milk
Don't be surprised if it takes a little while for
the milk to start to flow properly at first. This
Hygiene is particularly important when using
the breast pump. This applies to all the
individual pump components as well as to
your own personal hygiene. We recommend
11.1 With Breast Milk Container
Breast milk may be chilled,
frozen and defrosted in the
breast milk container 13. The
breast milk container 13 may
also be used for warming and
10 Hygiene tips
11 Storing Milk
72 h / 4°C
6 m /-18°C
is not unusual. In fact it is quite normal
milk production adapts itself to daily
This means that the quantity of milk
produced may vary considerably.
• Ensure you drink plenty of liquid yourself.
• Do not set suction strength too high. A
higher suction strength does not increase
the quantity of milk produced.
9.4 Let-down reflex
During natural breastfeeding, placing the
baby on the breast stimulates the let-down
reflex and milk begins to flow. You can also
stimulate the let-down reflex as follows:
• Find yourself a quiet place to sit, where
you can relax fully when using the breast
• Adopt a comfortable and relaxed sitting
• Place a warm compress on your breast
for a few minutes, to relax the tissue, and
massage your breast.
• The let-down reflex triggers milk flow in
both breasts simultaneously. You can use
the NUK Breast Shell Set to collect
breast milk leaking from the breast you
are not currently expressing.
regularly washing your nipples in clean
water. Where possible, avoid using soap on
your nipples, as this can cause irritation.
feeding. It is important that you follow the
instructions about handling breast milk
which is provided in
for handling breast milk"
"11.2 Important notes
on page 36.