The mobile dimmable plug provides the following functions:
• Local : control of the lighting point linked to its terminals :
using the ON, OFF button
- illumination by a short press on the ON button
- increasing light level by a long press on the ON button
- switch off by a short press on the OFF button
- decreasing light level by a long press on the OFF button
using buttons + and -
- illumination to 66% (factory set level) by a short press on button +
- illumination to 33% (factory set level) by a short press on button -
- increasing light level by a long press on button +
- decreasing light level by a long press on button -
• As receiver (actor) : the mobile dimmable plug can take part in 32 different scenarios, by locally executing controls
coming from other transmitters : ON, OFF , dimming or illumination to preset levels.
• Transmitter (leader) : the mobile dimmable plug switch can simultaneously control a set of receivers that were linked to it
in the learning
- using the ON, OFF buttons :
The mobile dimmable plug lets you pilot the lighting points linked to the receivers, using the ON or OFF buttons for :
- illumination by a short press on the ON button
- increasing light level by a long press on the ON button
- switch off by a short press on the OFF button
- decreasing light level by a long press on the OFF button
Only ON button learning is necessary, the OFF button is learnt automatically.
- using buttons + and - :
The mobile dimmable plug lets you pilot the lighting points linked to the receivers, using button + for :
- scenario (lighting level) by short press on button +
- increasing light level by a long press on button +
The mobile dimmable plug lets you pilot the lighting points linked to the receivers, using button - for :
- scenario (lighting level) by a short press on button -
- increasing light level by a long press on button -
To produce light level variation, we recommend the same receiver group is linked to buttons + and -.
Learning : procedure that enables a scenario to be defined and saved.
Scenario : set of controls executed simultaneously on the various receivers (actors) that have been linked to the transmitter (leader) during the
learning procedure.