Getting Started
Mom, we know you have a lot to think
about, but can we suggest that you
get to know your breast pump before
you need to start using it? It should
make for a more relaxed experience,
and you'll soon be an expert at this
(as well as many other new things).
Get to know your breast pump
You may be wondering how both
of your breast pump handsets fit
Don't worry, it will soon become
second nature.
You can wash these parts:
A. Cup - rounded, soft silicone
part that fits into the horn to sit
comfortably against your breast.
Gently massaging to stimulate
your milk flow.
B. Horn - trumpet shaped part that
supports the cup while you use
the pump.
C. Body – duck-shaped part that you
hold and connects the horn and
cup to your bottle.
D. Duck-bill valve (purple) – small
one-way valve that lets breast milk
into your bottle, but doesn't let it
back through as you move around.
E. Diaphragm – small, transparent
cup-shaped part that keeps the
"wet" side and the "dry" side of
the breast pump separate. This
makes it a closed pump system.
F. Diaphragm cap – seals to
the diaphragm.
G. Lid (purple) – allows you to
connect the air tubes to the pump,
and close the pump handset.
Together, these parts form your
breast pump handset. You have
two of these to form your double
breast pump.