Rechargeable batteries
Dialling mode
Recall time (Flash)
Optimum ambient temperature 0˚C to 45˚C
Optimum relative humidity
Use only the provided batteries and the provided power sup-
AMPLICOMMS equipment is produced and tested according to
the latest production methods. The use of carefully chosen ma-
terials and highly developed technologies ensures trouble free
functioning and a long service life. The terms of the warranty do
not apply where the cause of the equipment malfunction is the
fault of the telephone network operator or any interposed pri-
vate branch extension system. The terms of the warranty do not
apply to the rechargeable batteries or power adaptors used in
the products. The warranty period is 24 months from the date of
All deficiencies resulting from material or production faults
which occur during the warranty period will be eliminated free
of charge. Rights to claims under the warranty terms are voided
following intervention by the purchaser or third parties. Dam-
age caused as a result of improper handling or operation, incor-
rect positioning or storing, improper connection or installation,
Helpline 0844 800 6503 (See page 51 for costs and hours of operation)
3 x AAA 1.2V 500mAh NiMH
Manufacturer and model:
Corun, NI-MHAAAJ500
Tone (DTMF) / Pulse
Short (100 ms), Medium
(250 ms), Long (600 ms)
20% to 80%