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Garantie • Warranty • Garantie • Garanzia • Garantía
tées. De plus, l'altération naturelle des couleurs
dans le temps peut également provoquer une
distorsion dans l'adaptation de celles des piè-
ces de rechange.
Si SHARK n'est pas en mesure d'assurer la
réparation pour une raison technique ou une
disponibilité de composant, SHARK s'engage à
proposer, à des conditions avantageuses pour
le client et en tenant compte de la vétusté de
son casque, soit un casque neuf identique, soit
un modèle équivalent produit au moment de la
demande, si celuici n'est plus disponible.
Cette garantie n'est valable que pour le conti-
nent européen.

5 year Warranty

You have recently purchased a SHARK helmet
for your safety and pleasure. It has been de-
signed with the greatest care to satisfy your
every requirement. For your safety, and that of
your passenger, you must respect all the rules
of prudence when using your two-wheeled ve-
hicle. The SHARK 5-YEAR warranty guarantees
the initial purchaser that any possible manufac-
turing fault or material defect will be covered by
the SHARK warranty.
If during the warranty period (5 years as from
the date of purchase), a problem covered by
the warranty were to arise, SHARK, through the
intermediary of its sales network, undertakes to
repair or replace any defective components, up
to a maximum limit which is the purchase value
of the helmet. Any labour costs are normally
paid by the SHARK network, but are submitted
for approval prior to the work being carried out.
If the repair requires components to be dispat-
ched incurring transportation costs, the SHARK
network shall cover these costs up to a limit
which is the cost of transport by the national
postal service at the normal rate.
This warranty only covers problems related to
materials or manufacturing. SHARK cannot be
held liable with regard to the product in the fol-
lowing cases :
uelSX2-V1-2.indd 22
any damage following
1) a fall or accident
2) a technical modification made by the
user or a third party (glue, adhesives, paint,
screws, etc.)
3) use of or contact with: harmful chemical pro-
ducts (including methylated spirits on the visor
treatments), or an intense heat source
4) incorrect use: abnormal conditions (e.g. un-
derwater), lack of maintenance or care
5) ageing due to normal wear of the inner fa-
brics or foams, the appearance of the external
parts, or the visor (scratches, marks, etc.)
6) abnormal and prolonged exposure to ul-
tra-violet light, in particular for the decorative
colours. In addition, SHARK cannot consider
subjective considerations related to use of the
helmet as defects covered by the warranty :
problems with comfort, size, noise or whistling,
aerodynamics, etc.
SHARK cannot be held liable for the temporary
non-availability of the helmet while it is being
enhanced to satisfy the needs of its owner. In
all cases, the maximum warranty period is 5
years. Replacement of a component during this
period does not prolong this period.
When the helmet is sold the warranty card
comprising all the information must be filled out
and returned to SHARK SA by the purchaser.
All warranty claims must be made to the SHARK
dealer that sold the helmet.
For a warranty claim to be considered, the pur-
chaser must notify the dealer of the problem
that has arisen, and return the helmet that
is the subject of the claim, together with the
warranty card filled out when the helmet was
purchased. This warranty does not affect in any
way the statutory rights of the purchaser as
stipulated by directive 1999/44CE.
The effects of this specific and limited warranty
shall come to an end after a period of 5 years
as from the date of purchase. After this period,
if you continue to use a helmet regularly, we
recommend that to benefit from optimum
protection and comfort you should replace
your helmet. This is because certain external
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