countdown) and turn the START/
PAUSE dial until the cooking
time reads 00:00. This will stop
the function and allow the Bravo
to move on to the next function
in the cooking cycle.
TOAST activates the TOAST
menu function. The default
toast temperature is 425F, and
the default TOP/BTM heat is
100/100. Press TOAST. The
LED display will show "TOAST"
and "5." To adjust the toasting
level between "1" and "10," turn
the START/PAUSE dial to the
left for lighter toast, right for
darker toast. The toasting levels
in minutes and seconds are as
follows at 425F:
• 1 03:00
• 2 03:30
• 3 04:00
• 4 04:30
• 5 05:00 - Default
• 6 05:30
• 7 06:00
• 8 06:30
• 9 07:00
• 10 07:30
To adjust the toasting
temperature for each level,
press TEMP/TIME to display
the toasting temperature. To
adjust the toasting temperature,
use the START/PAUSE dial.
To adjust the toasting time,
press the TEMP/TIME. The
display will show the toasting
time determined by the toasting
level. To adjust the toasting time,
use the START/PAUSE dial.
When the toasting level, or
the time and temperature, is
selected, place toast into the
oven and press START/PAUSE.
When finished, the LED display
will show "End" and will beep
three (3) times.
Set the Bravo cooking
temperature to 275F. With the
Probe temperature set to 185F,
insert it into the milk and secure
it with the probe clip. Place the
bowl into the Bravo and heat it
to 185F.
When the milk reaches 185F:
The Bravo will sound two long
beeps. Now, set the Probe
temperature to 110F and allow
the milk to cool. To speed this
process, open the Bravo's door
or remove the bowl and place it
in an ice water bath (leave the
probe connected).
When the temperature reaches
110F, the Bravo will beep for 1o
minutes, or until deactivated.
At this point, follow the recipe
directions (Page 9), placing
the bowl back into the Bravo
and closing the door. With the
Probe temperature set to 110F
– 115F, let the yogurt incubate
for 8 hours, maintaining the
temperature throughout.
PROGRAM allows you to
create, store, and retrieve
frequently used cooking
sequences. The Bravo comes
with 100 pre-programed
cooking recipes (1 – 100) along
with an additional 50 memory
slots (101 – 150) to add your
own unique recipes the way you
like them cooked.
Preset temperatures and
times for program recipes
1-100 can be adjusted.