ALWAYS use supplied hand saver cable strap or a leather glove whenever spooling hoist rope in
or out, during installation or operation to avoid injury to hands and fingers.
2.1 Spooling in under Load
NEVER exceed hoist's rated line pull. Power-in the hoist rope evenly and tightly on the drum.
This prevents the outer hoist wraps from sinking into the inner wraps, binding and damaging
the hoist rope.
NEVER touch hoist rope or hook while someone else is at the control switch or during hoisting
Do not shock load the hoist when spooling. Avoid shock loads when spooling by pulsing the control
switch to take up hoist rope slack. Shock loads can momentarily far exceed the hoist and rope ratings.
2.2 Safe working Conditions
The operator should ALWAYS operate the hoist from a safe position when pulling a load. The safe
areas are: Perpendicular to the hoist rope.
The safe position will help prevent the wire rope from striking the operator if the wire rope fails when
under load.
Fully extend the pendant control cord to operate hoist whenever possible. The operator must try to
maintain at least 8 ft. (2.44 m) from the hoist while operating.
NEVER work around the hoist rope while under load.
ALWAYS use caution when working with electricity and remember to verify that no exposed
electrical connections exist before energizing your hoist circuit.
2.3 For First Time operation
2.3.1 Handheld Pendant Control
Industrial grade and waterproof remote. Hoists
include LED overheating indicator.
2.3.2 Connect the remote control
Always keep the remote control wire clear of the
hoist, wire rope.
Figure 17.
DO NOT leave the pendant control plugged
into the hoist when not in use. This may result
in a dangerous condition and/or battery drain.
1. Press and hold the Cable-In Button for rope
winding in operation.
2. Press and hold the Cable-Out Button for rope
winding out operation.
3. To stop hoisting, release the Cable-In or
Cable-Out Buttons. Figure 18.
Operation Instructions
Figure 17 - Connect Remote
Figure 18 - Cable Button
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