Transparency : Set the OSD transparency from 0% to 60%.
Brightness: Set the OSD transparency from 20% to 100%
Chroma: Set the OSD transparency from 20% to 100%
Contrast: Set the OSD transparency from 20% to 100%
OSD Timeout : Select the duration of displaying Info bar, 3s,5s and 8s for optional.
LED BRIGHTNESS: Adjust LED brightness of front panel. There are three levels: full/
LED DISPLAY: Time/Ch no. Choose time to display current time in LED and choose Ch
no. to display current channel number.
STANDBY SHOW TIME: ON/OFF to control LED display TIME OR NOT when standby.
Parental Guidance: Set the age limit for channels.The age range is from 4~18.Limi-
ted channels will be protected by a password"000000".Default value is Off.
Lock Control: Press "000000" password to enter menu to set menu lock/channel lock.
Menu lock is used to control the limit of menu operation,searching channels and
SW upgrading.
Channel lock is used to control the limit of channel edit.
New Password : Enter new password.
Confirm Password : Confirm the new password.