Información legal
Está prohibida la copia u otro tipo de reproducción total o parcial de esta guía sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de
KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
Información sobre marcas comerciales
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server e Internet Explorer son marcas comerciales registradas de
Microsoft Corporation en EE.UU. y en otros países.
PCL es una marca comercial de Hewlett-Packard Company.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader y PostScript son marcas comerciales de Adobe Systems, Incorporated.
AppleTalk, Bonjour, Macintosh y Mac OS son marcas comerciales de Apple Inc., registradas en EE.UU. y en
otros países.
Todas las fuentes de idiomas europeos instaladas en esta máquina se utilizan bajo el acuerdo de licencia de
Monotype Imaging Inc.
Helvetica, Palatino y Times son marcas comerciales registradas de Linotype GmbH.
ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Bookman, ITC ZapfChancery y ITC ZapfDingbats son marcas comerciales
registradas de International Typeface Corporation.
Esta máquina tiene instaladas las fuentes UFST™ MicroType® de Monotype Imaging Inc.
Esta máquina contiene software que tiene módulos desarrollados por Independent JPEG Group.
Las demás marcas y nombres de productos son marcas comerciales registradas o marcas comerciales de las
respectivas empresas. En esta guía de uso no se utilizarán las designaciones ™ ni ®.
Monotype Imaging License Agreement
1 Software shall mean the digitally encoded, machine readable, scalable outline data as encoded in a special
format as well as the UFST Software.
2 You agree to accept a non-exclusive license to use the Software to reproduce and display weights, styles and
versions of letters, numerals, characters and symbols (Typefaces) solely for your own customary business or
personal purposes at the address stated on the registration card you return to Monotype Imaging. Under the
terms of this License Agreement, you have the right to use the Fonts on up to three printers. If you need to have
access to the fonts on more than three printers, you need to acquire a multiuser license agreement which can be
obtained from Monotype Imaging. Monotype Imaging retains all rights, title and interest to the Software and
Typefaces and no rights are granted to you other than a License to use the Software on the terms expressly set
forth in this Agreement.
3 To protect proprietary rights of Monotype Imaging, you agree to maintain the Software and other proprietary
information concerning the Typefaces in strict confidence and to establish reasonable procedures regulating
access to and use of the Software and Typefaces.
4 You agree not to duplicate or copy the Software or Typefaces, except that you may make one backup copy. You
agree that any such copy shall contain the same proprietary notices as those appearing on the original.
5 This License shall continue until the last use of the Software and Typefaces, unless sooner terminated. This
License may be terminated by Monotype Imaging if you fail to comply with the terms of this License and such
failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice from Monotype Imaging. When this License expires or is
terminated, you shall either return to Monotype Imaging or destroy all copies of the Software and Typefaces and
documentation as requested.
6 You agree that you will not modify, alter, disassemble, decrypt, reverse engineer or decompile the Software.
Información legal y sobre seguridad