(510) Primary EEPROM faulty
(527) Phaseshifter overcurrent
(528) High charge relay switched off during load operation
(530) Communication problem
(532) Microcontroller error (e.g., division by 0)
(533) Reference voltage out of tolerance
(534) Startup problem
(535) PFC overcurrent
(536) Phaseshifter or PFC faulty
Status codes in the event of an error in the secondary circuit
(520) Secondary temperature sensor defective
(521) Secondary overtemperature
(522) Output fuse defective
(523) Secondary supply voltage out of tolerance
(524) Secondary reference voltage out of tolerance
(525) Current offset
(526) Current offset out of tolerance
(527) Power module overcurrent (primary)
(529) No secondary communication
(530) No primary communication
(531) Secondary EEPROM defective
(532) Microcontroller error
(537) Voltage measurement faulty
(570) Secondary relay cannot be switched
(571) ADC/SPI problem
Status codes in the event of an error in the control system
(540) Configuration memory block missing/defective
(541) No secondary communication
(542) Secondary Init failed
(543) Program/memory error in the curve control
(544) Program/memory error in the curve control