Backup and Restore
Back up frame to external storage
To back up the photos on the frame to a SD card, follow the
below steps:
step 1: Insert SD card into the SD card slot.
step 2: Tap the screen and go to "Settings"
step 3: Go to "Backup and Restore"
step 4: Tap "Back up frame to external storage"
When complete, you will see "Last successful backup: (Date &
Time)" appear underneath.
Note: Any existing backup on the SD card will be overwritten!
Automatic backup
If checked, your frame will automatically make a backup within
30 hours of you receiving new photos or making changes on
your frame.
Reset frame
Removes all data from your frame. This will permanently
remove all your photos/videos, friends, and settings.
Help & About
Share anonymous analytics data
Sharing anonymous analytics data helps tremendously with
improving the Frameo software. We understand if you do not
wish to share this data with us. Set as checked if you wish to
help us improve Frameo. Set unchecked to deny the sharing of
anonymous analytics data.
Opens the quick start guide that is shown during initial setup of
the frame.