5. Mower is
A. Release Operating Bail to turn
mower off. Remove safety key
noisy and
and batteries. Turn mower on
side and check blade to ensure it
has not been bent or damaged. If
blade is damaged, replace with a
replacement blade. If the underside
of the deck is damaged return mower
to an Authorized service center.
B. If there is no visible damage to the
blade and the mower still vibrates:
Release Operating Bail to turn mower
off, Remove safety key and batteries,
and remove blade. Rotate blade 180
degrees and retighten. If mower
still vibrates, return the mower to an
authorized service center.
6. Battery
A. Check plug connection.
charger LED's
B. Replace charger.
not on.
7. Battery
A. Battery needs to be diagnosed.
charger LED
Take to authorized service center.
does not flip to
8. Mower not
A. Remove mulch plate when
picking up
clippings with
B. Chute clogged. Release Operating
the Grass
Bail to turn mower off. Remove safety
Collection Bag.
key and batteries. Clear chute of
grass clippings.
C. Too much cut grass. Raise cutting
height of wheels to shorten length
of the cut.
D. Bag full. Empty bag more often.
9. When
A. Too much cut grass. Raise cutting
mulching there
height of wheels to shorten length of
are clippings
the cut. Do not cut off more than 1/3
of total length.
B. Check blade for sharpness. Always
keep blade sharp.
10. Low or
A. Return to Authorized Service
diminished run-
location - may need new battery.
time after many
11. The battery
A. The battery overheats after
charger LED
continuous use. Remove battery
flashes red and
from the charger and allow it to cool
the battery can't
to 42°C or less.
be charged.
Cordless Lawn Mower
Positec Germany GmbH
Postfach 32 02 16, 50796 Cologne, Germany
On behalf of Positec declare that the product
Description WorxNITRO Cordless Lawn Mower
Type WG748E WG748E.X (7- designation of
machinery, representative of Cordless Lawn Mower)
Function mowing grass
Complies with the following Directives,
2006/42/EC, 2014/30/EU
2000/14/EC amended by 2005/88/EC
2000/14/EC amended by 2005/88/EC
Conformity assessment procedure as per
Measured Sound Power Level
Declared Guaranteed Sound Power Level 94 dB(A)
The notified body involved
Name: Intertek, Deutschland GmbH (notified body
Address: Stangenstraße 1, 70771 LEINFELDEN-
Standards conform to,
EN 60335-1, EN 60335-2-77, EN 62233, EN ISO 3744, EN
55014-1, EN 55014-2
The person authorized to compile the technical file,
Name: Marcel Filz
Address Positec Germany GmbH
Postfach 32 02 16, 50796 Cologne, Germany
Allen Ding
Deputy Chief Engineer, Testing & Certification
Positec Technology (China) Co., Ltd
18, Dongwang Road, Suzhou Industrial
Park, Jiangsu 215123, P. R. China
Annex VI.
91.6 dB(A)