3. Pull the inner layer of the Longopac cassette up (A)
and fold it into the holder (B).
4. Attach the Longopac holder to the rear part of the
container (A). Then attach the Longopac holder to
the sides and to the front of the container (B). Push
the Longopac holder up until you hear a solid click.
5. Make sure that the Longopac is sealed.
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6. Pull the outer layer of the Longopac cassette down.
7. Close the bottom of the Longopac with a cable tie.
To discard a full Longopac bag and
prepare a new Longopac bag
Longopac bag with caution, a full Longopac
bag can be heavy. Make sure that the cable
ties are closed correctly before you lift the
Longopac bag.
Lift the