Do NOT press or scrape the bleeding finger.
The testing strip should be used as soon as possible after unpacking, and the unused strips
should be kept in the bottle with airproof condition.
Take measurement only once within 1 min.
☞ If the monitor is connected with both temperature probe and the blood glucose meter,
the screen will show
The blood-collect pinhead is a disposable item. It's recommended to insert it back to the
plastic cover and throw it into the specific dustbin.
2.3.5 ECG Measurement (Optional)
1. Connect the Easy ECG Monitor to the connector on the upper side of device with mark
of "PORT1" or "PORT2".
2. Choose one of the methods (refer to figure 2.10B/C/D/E) to make ECG measurement.
3. When Easy ECG Monitor and Spot-Check Monitor are successful connected, press "Start"
button on the Easy ECG Monitor to activate the ECG measurement.
4. When "ECG" appears on the display screen of Easy ECG Monitor, it means the Easy ECG
Monitor begins to make measurement.
5. 30 seconds later, the measuring result will be displayed on the screen, and the
measurement terminates.