150Mbps Wireless Lite-N USB Adapter – APPUSB150
3.1.3 Diagnostics
The Diagnostics t ab of the APP150 Wireless Li te-N C lient Utility ( AWCU) provides buttons
used to retrieve receivin g and transmitting statistics. The Diagnostics tab does not require an y
The Diagno stics tab list s the following rece iving and transmitting diagnostics for
received or transmitted by the wireless network adapter:
Multicast frames transmitted and received
Broadcast frames transmitted and received
Unicast frames transmitted and received
Total bytes transmitted and received Check Driver Information
Click the Adapter Information button in the screen above, you will see the adapter information,
including ge neral inform ation about the wire less network adapter and the Network
Interface Specification (NDIS) driver. Access the adapter information from the Diagnostics tab.
Card Name - The name of the wireless network adapter.
MAC Address - The MAC address of the wireless network adapter.
Driver - The driver name and path of the wireless network adapter driver.
Driver Version - The version of the wireless network adapter driver.
Driver Date - The creation date of the wireless network adapter driver.
Client Name - The name of the client computer.
User's Guide
Figure 3-12