• Do notfill fuel tankwhile engine is
• Wipeup fuel spillsbeforestarlingen-
• Move at least 10 feet (3 meters)
away from fuel and fuelingsite before
• Stop the enginebefore openingthe
vacuuminletdoor.The engine must
be stoppedand the impellerblades
no longerturningto avoidseriousin-
juryfrom the rotatingblades.
• Inspectunitbeforeeach use for
worn,loose, missing,or damaged
parts.Do not use until unitis in
• Keep outsidesurfaces free of oi!and
° Never start or runengine insidea
closedroomor building.Breathing
exhaust fumes can kill.
• To avoidstaticelectdcityshock, do
not wear rubberglovesor any other
insulatedgloveswhile operatingunit.
• Do not set uniton any surfaceexcept
a clean, hard area whileengine is
running.Debrissuch as gravel,sand,
dust,grass, etc. could be pickedup
bythe air intake and thrownout
ing unit,property,or causingsedous
injuryto bystandersor operator.
° Avoid dangerousenvironments.Do
notuse in unventilatedareas or
where explosivevapors or carbon
monoxidebuildup couldbe present.
° Do not overreachor use from unsta-
ble surfacessuch as ladders,trees,
steep slopes,rooftops,etc, Keep firm
footing and balance at all times.
• Never place objectsinsidethe blower
tubes;alwaysdirectthe blowingde-
brisaway from people, animals,
glass,and solidobjectssuchas
trees, automobiles,walls, etc.The
force of air can cause rocks,dirt, or
sticksto be thrownor to ricochet
which can hurtpeople or animals,
break glass,or cause otherdamage.
• Never rununitwithoutthe proper
equipmentattached.When using
your unitas a blower,alwaysinstall
blowertubas.When usingthe option-
al vacuumkit, always installvacuum
tubesand vacuumbag assembly.
Make sure vacuumbag assemblyis
° Check air intakeopening,blower
tubes,and vacuumtubes frequently,
alwayswith engine stoppedand
spark plugdisconnected.Keep vents
and dischargetubesfree of debris
whichcan accumulateand restrict
properair flow.
• Never place any objectin the air in-
take openingas this couldrestrict
properair flow and cause damageto
• Never usefor spreadingchemicals,
fertilizers, or othersubstanceswhich
may containtoxicmaterials.
• To avoidspreadingfire, do not use
near leaf or brushfires,fireplaces,
• Use onlyfor jobs explainedin this
• Haveall maintenanceotherthan the
recommendedprocedures descn'bed
in the Operator'sManual performed
by Sears Service.
• Disconnectsparkplug beforeper-
formingmaintenanceexceptfor car.
• Use onlyrecommended CRAFTS-
MANereplacementparts;use of any
otherpartsmay voidyourwarranty
and causedamage to your unit.
• Emptyfuel tank beforestoringthe unit.
Useup fuel leftin carburetor b y starting
engineand letting it rununtilitstops.
• Do notuse any accessory or attach.
merit otherthan those recommended
by manufacturerfor usewithyourunit.
• Do not storethe unitor fuel in a
closedarea where fuel vaporscan
reach sparksor an open flamefrom
hot waterheaters,electricmotorsor
switches,fumaces, etc.
• Store in a dry area out of reach of
SPECIAL NOTICE: For userson U.S.
ForestLandand in somestates, in-
cludingCaltfomia(Public Resources
Codes4442 and 4443), Idaho,Maine,
Minnesota,New Jersey,Oregon,and
Washington: C ertain internalcombus-
tion enginesoperated on forest,brush,
and/orgrass covered landin the above
areas are requiredto be equippedwith
a sparkarrestor,maintainedin effective