The lights stay on
The lights flash on and off.
Sensor will not operate at
216383_s1_s45-5059340191423_5059340230801-Blooma-A5-IM-V03-Multi.indb 5
216383_s1_s45-5059340191423_5059340230801-Blooma-A5-IM-V03-Multi.indb 5
Possible Cause
The product is wired through a
dimmer or timer
The unit may be suffering from
false activation
Ensure the unit is not positioned to
detect unwanted objects e.g. cars
/ people using roads / footpaths
next to your property. Occasionally,
wind may activate the sensor.
(Sometimes passages between
buildings etc. can cause a "wind
tunnel" effect.)
The unit is operated in the mode
of the motion sensor being
Heat or light from the bulbs may be
turning the sensor on and off
Sensor is sensing reflected light
from the light fixture
The level of ambient light in the
area may be too bright to allow
operation at the current LUX
Wiring inside electrical came loose
No power is being delivered to the
Another light source is causing the
unit to think it is daylight
Do not use a dimmer or timer to
control the product. Repelace the
dimmer or timer with a standard
on/off wall switch
Cover the sensor lens completely
with a thick cloth. This will prevent
the sensor from "seeing" anything.
If the unit now switches off after
the set time duration and does
not re-activate, this indicates that
the problem was caused by false
activation. Slightly adjusting the
direction / angle of the sensor
Slightly adjusting the direction /
angle of the sensor head
To activate the motion sensor
Slightly adjusting the direction /
angle of the sensor head away
from the light source
1. Change position of light head
aim light away from the reflecting
2. Relocate the unit to a different
location where it no longer causes
reflected light
During the hours of darkness,
adjust the LUX control slowly
anticlockwise / clockwise (choose
suitable one) until the lamp just
After turning off the fixture,
reconnect any loose wiring
Check that circuit breaker and/or
wall switch power is on
Turn off surrounding lights and/or
re-aim the sensor head
30-09-2021 15:10:49
30-09-2021 15:10:49