Never use the meter with CAT II installations when measuring
voltages that might exceed the safety margin of 230 V above
earth ground.
The unit is only intended to be used for short periods, typically
less than 2 minutes, and must not be left plugged in for extended
Vent slots should not be covered or obstructed.
The unit is intended for use in the vertical orientation only.
The unit must always be checked for any sign of damage prior to
use. lf there are visual signs of damage do not use. Return the
unit to provider for analysis. Visual signs of damage include
checking the case exterior, pins and label. lf any are damaged
To verify the tester is working correctly, always first plug it into a
known good socket prior to use.
lf the unit has suffered a mechanica! shock such as a drop, have
it checked out by provider first.
The product has no user serviceable parts.
The product is designed to comply with EN 61010 and is rated to
The product will not detect reverse earth neutral.
The Socket Tester is intended as a first level fault indication tool
and only checks for correct polarity.
6. Overvoltage/Installation Category
Voltage testers are categorized depending on the risk and severity of
transient overvoltage that might occur at the point of test. Transients are
short-lived bursts of energy induced in a system, e.g. caused by lightning
strike on a power line.
The existing categories according EN 61010-1 are:
A CAT I-rated meter is suitable for measurements on protected
electronic circuits that are not directly connected to mains power,
e.g. electronics circuits, control signals...
A CAT II-rated meter is suitable for measurements in CAT I-
environments and mono-phase appliances that are connected to the
mains by means of a plug and circuits in a normal domestic
environment, provided that the circuit is at least 10 m apart from a
CAT III- or 20 m apart from a CAT IV-environment. E.g. household
appliances, portable tools...
A CAT III-rated meter is suitable for measurements in CAT I- and
CAT II-environments, as well as for measurements on (fixed) mono-
or poly-phased appliances which are at least 10 m apart from of a
V. 01 – 29/09/2023
©Velleman Group nv