(see BT 8608/1. drawing n° 0002900446, BT 8711/1 and drawing n° 0002900564)
Before igniting make sure that:
a) Connections with the fuel line, thermostats or pressure switches are carried out exactly as illustrated in the
control box wiring diagram.
b) There is fuel in the tank and water in the boiler.
c) That all the sluice valves on the fuel oil suction and return piping are open as is every other part through which
the fuel fl ows.
d) Combustion fumes discharge occurs freely (boiler fl ue gates and chimney open).
e) Make sure the burner head penetrates the combustion chamber in accordance with the boiler manufacturer's
specifi cations. To ensure this is so the burner is equipped with a boiler attachment fl ange which slides with
respect to the combustion head.
The burner nozzles are compatible with boiler output; if necessary, replace them.
The quantity of fuel being delivered must never be greater than the maximum boiler-requested quantities or
maximum admissible burner quantities. Bear in mind that the combustion head has been designed for use
with nozzles having a 45° spray angle.
Note: To ensure good ignition and combustion with the fi rst stage only, fuel delivery must not be notably lower
than the minimum fl ow-rate for the employed burner (see identifi cation plate).
The burner is equipped with a manual switch to change from the 1
1) Switch on the 1
and 2
2) Slightly open the air gate to obtain the air-fl ow thought necessary for burner operation with the 1st stage
by acting on the cam which limits the servomotor stroke for the 1
Adjust the air adjustment device on the combustion head to an intermediate position (see, further on, "Air
regulation on the combustion head").
3) Turn on the main switch and the ON/OFF burner switch.
This switches on all the fuel oil heating elements and simultaneously causes the yellow warning light on the
burner to come on.
4) The minimum thermostat comes on when the fuel contained in the preheater reaches the set temperature.
When the minimum thermostat switches off the control box (if the other boiler thermostats are off) is switched
on; the control box then switches on the devices making up the burner as per the pre-set program.
The unit ignites as illustrated in "Description of Operation".
5) When the burner is operating with the 1
combustion is ensured. It is better to have a slightly poor 1
even under the most demanding conditions.
6) After regulating the 1
of the 2
stage thermostat terminal block together and position the1st-2nd stage switch to 2nd stage.
7) Act on the cam which limits the 2
for the fuel to be burnt (see BT 8653/1 or BT 8711/1).
8) Switch the unit back on; it will now pass automatically to the second stage according to the set program.
9) With the unit now operating with the 2
fl ow to the quantity needed to ensure good combustion. Combustion checks should be carried out with special
instruments. If suitable instruments are unavailable observe the colour of the fl ame. We recommend that you
adjust to obtain a soft, light orange fl ame: avoid a red fl ame that gives off smoke or a white fl ame with excess
air. The air regulator must be in a position which gives a percentage of carbon dioxide (CO
varies from a minimum of 10% to a maximum of 13% with a smoke rating that does not exceed standard limits
(Bacharach scale). We recommend that you adjust to obtain a soft, light orange fl ame: avoid a red fl ame that
gives off smoke or a white fl am with excess air (see also "Air adjustment on the combustion head".
10) Adjustment of the preheater thermostats, minimum thermostat and regulation thermostat (max) is effected
by the manufacturer and set at values which may, however, be unacceptable in certain individual cases. It is
therefore necessary, during fi nal testing, to check that these values do not cause problems (poor combustion,
smoke, formation of gas in the preheater, etc.). Where necessary, increase or decrease the settings; bear in
mind that the regulation thermostat must nevertheless be at a temperature approximately 15° higher than the
minimum thermostat setting. The minimum thermostat must close at the minimum temperature needed to ensure
that fuel arrives at the nozzle with viscosity below 2° E. This condition is indispensable for proper atomization.
(As a rough guide see the viscosity-temperature diagram regarding the employed oil type).
stage switch to prevent ignition of the 2
stage adjust, as described in point 2, the air quantity so that good
stage air-fl ow stop the burner by cutting power at the main switch. Connect the terminals
stage air gate servomotor stroke; adjust to the quantity thought necessary
stage, adjust (by operating on the cam described in point 7) the air-
0006080415 ed2005/08
to the 2
fl ame.
stage (see BT 8653/1 or BT 8711/1).
stage air-fl ow in order t ensure perfect ignition
37 / 80
) in the fumes that