The EvenCareG2 Blood Glucose Test Strip
Contact Points
Insert this end to the test
strip port on the meter.
The EvenCare G2 Test Strips are glucose specific, biosensor-based
test strips that require very little blood sample to quickly test glucose in
fresh capillary whole blood. The test results are plasma-calibrated for
easy comparison to lab results, however results may be 10% to 15%
higher than results obtained from whole-blood referenced blood glucose
assays. The test strip is also equipped with under-fill detection to alert you
when there is not enough blood to perform a test, so you can be assured
that every reading you get is an accurate and meaningful result.
• Immediately close the vial cap of the test strip bottle tightly after
each use. Keep the unused test strips in its original bottle.
• DO NOT leave any test strips outside the bottle while not in use.
• DO NOT reuse test strips.Test strips are for single use only.
• Carefully discard used test strips and lancets in proper
waste containers.
Understanding Your New Blood Glucose System
Sampling End
Apply blood or control
solution here.