DELICE-CHOCO-1 EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We Ugolini S.p.A. - Via dei Pioppi 33 - 20090 Opera Milano - Italy declare, under our responsability, that the products DELICE - DELICE SILVER - DELICE GOLD 230V 50Hz are in conformity with the following Standards:...
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Ai sensi dell’art.13 del Decreto Legislativo 25 Luglio 2005, n.151 “Attua- La collecte différenciée correctement effectuée, suivie de l'envoi des appareils éli- zione delle Direttive 2002/95/CE, 2002/96/CE e 2003/108/CE, relative alla minés au recyclage, avec traitement et élimination des déchets dans le plus strict riduzione dell’uso di sostanze pericolose nelle apparecchiature elettriche respect de l'environnement, est une procédure fondamentale qui contribue à...
DELICE-CHOCO-1 1 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS shown on the data plate. Plug the unit into a grounded, protected single phase electrical sup- ply according to the applicable electrical codes Delice/Choco-1 and the specifications of your machine. If you want to make a fixed connection to the network,...
IMPORTANT The dispenser is equipped with a thermostat, on the right side, to adjust the temperature of the Place the unit on an horizontal surface. product. Comment: the dispenser is also equipped with a ATTENTION second thermostat on the underside to regulate the temperature of the hot plate.
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DELICE-CHOCO-1 6. 1 DISASSEMBLY 6. 2 CLEANING ATTENTION ATTENTION Before proceeding to disassemble any Before cleaning disconnect the dispenser component always disconnect the unit from the electricity taking out the plug or from the electricity removing the plug. turning off the outside switch on the wall.
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sit for extended periods of the time after sanitiza- supplied by the manufacturer or other grease tion. compatible with polycarbonate. Before starting the procedure described below wash hands with an anti-bacterial soap. Prepare at least. four litres of hot water (45- 60°C, 113-140F) and sterilising product legally approved in your Country, following the instruc- tions of the manufacturer.
DELICE-CHOCO-1 1 CARACTERÍSTICAS TÉCNICAS Comprobar que el distribuidor no haya s u f r i d o d a ñ o s e n e l t r a n s p o r t e . E n c a s o contrario, proceder inmediatamente a hacer las reclamaciones pertinentes al transportista.
Para el correcto funcionamiento, coma la El distribuidor dispone de contenedor con temperatura ambiente debe estar comprendida fondo cerrado extraíble para facilitar las ientre 5°C y 35°C. operaciones de limpieza y saneamiento. IMPORTANTE IMPORTANTE El aparato debe ser instalado sobre un Este aparato no es apto para ser manipu- plano horizontal.
una solución demasiado diluida puede no limpiar Lubricar el pistón del grifo (en la zona A i n d i c a d a e n l a F i g u r a 2 ) u t i l i z a n d o lo suficiente.
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DELICE-CHOCO-1 SPARE PARTS LIST DESCRIPCION PIEZAS DE REPUESTO 00611 Driving shaft Eje transmisión Heating plate holder Soporte para plancha calentadora Golden heating plate holde Soporte para plancha calentadora oro 00612 M4 Clip Clip M4 00613 Thermostat bulb holder Guia-sensor termóstato...
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2449_29 V 0.1 08E13 Side panel Panel lateral Golden side panel Panel lateral oro Side panel -”silver” Panel lateral -”plata” Machine body Cuerpo maquina Golden machine body Cuerpo maquina oro Machine body -”silver” Cuerpo maquina -”plata” Side panel for controls Panel lateral completo de mandos Golden side panel for controls...