Resawing is the pro-
cess of cutting a board
into two or more thin-
ner boards, the maxi-
that can be resawn is
limited by the maximum cutting height of the
band saw.
One of the most important considerations
when resawing is blade selection, generally,
the wider blade, the better. In most applica-
tions, a hook or a skip tooth style will be desir-
able. Choose blades with fewer teeth per inch
(from3 to 6), because they offer large gullet
capacities for clearing sawdust, reducing heat
buildup and reducing strain on the motor.
When cutting curves,
and turn the stock
carefully so that the
blade follows the lay-
out line without twis-
ting, if a curve is so abrupt that it is necessary
to repeatedly back up and cut a new kerf, use
either a narrower blade or a blade with more
TPI (teeth per inch), or make more relief cuts.
Always make short cuts first, then proceed
to the longer cuts, relief cuts will also reduce
the chance that the blade will be pinched or
twisted. Relief cuts are cuts made through
the waste portion of the workpiece and are
stopped at the layout line.
As you cut along the layout line, waste wood
is released from the workpiece, alleviating any
pressure on the back of the blade, relief cuts
also make backing the workpiece out easier,
if needed.
One of the benefits
of a band saw is its
ability to cut multiple
copies of a particular
shape by stacking a
number of workpieces
Before making stacked cuts, ensure that both
the table and the blade are properly ad-
justed to 90°, otherwise, any error will be com-
This band saw requires very little maintenance
other than minor lubrication and cleaning. The
following sections detail what will need to be
done in order to assure continued operation of
your saw.
Sealed and pre-lubricated ball bearings require
no lubrication for the life of the bearings, all
bearings are standard sizes, and replacements
can be purchased from our parts department
or a bearing supply store.
For adjustment controls, and occasional "shot"
of light oil is just about all that is necessary,
wipe off any sawdust with a clean cloth, towel,
or dry paint brush, and spray on the lubricant,
no not get oil on the pulleys or V-belt because
it could cause belt deterioration and slipping.
Cleaning your band saw is relatively easy, vacu-
um excess wood chips and sawdust, and wipe off
the remaining dust with a dry cloth, if any resin
has built up, use a resin dissolving cleaner to re-
move it, treat all unpainted cast iron and steel
with a non-staining lubricant after cleaning.
The band saw is equipped with a lower wheel
brush, the brush should be check daily and
cleaned when it becomes dirty, there is an ad-
justment bracket that allows the brush to be
adjusted for bristle wear.
This section covers the most common process-
ing problems encountered in sawing and what
to do about them.
Do not make any adjustments until the table
saw is unplugged from the power source and
moving parts have come to a complete stop.
switched on.
No power supply. Check the cable for break-