Ningbo Innopower Hengda Metal Products ORIOPOWER H5202 Manual De Instrucciones

Estufa de gas catalítica


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Resumen de contenidos para Ningbo Innopower Hengda Metal Products ORIOPOWER H5202

  • Página 1 MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES ESTUFA DE GAS CATALÍTICA ORIOPOWER MODELO: H5202 ¡Conserve este manual de instrucciones como referencia futura!
  • Página 2: Tabla De Contenido

    ÍNDICE ADVERTENCIAS ································································································ 1 MONTAJE DEL APARATO ················································································· 2 INSTRUCCIONES DE UTILIZACIÓN ································································· 3 MANTENIMIENTO ······························································································ 4 DATOS TÉCNICOS ····························································································· 5 CLÁUSULAS DE GARANTÍA ··············································································6 ¡ADVERTENCIAS! ASEGÚRESE DE LEER LAS INSTRUCCIONES ANTES DE UTILIZAR EL APARATO. EL APARATO DEBERÁ INSTALARSE SEGÚN SE INDICA EN LAS INSTRUCCIONES Y CONFORME A LO ESTABLECIDO POR LAS NORMATIVAS LOCALES.
  • Página 3: Montaje Del Aparato

    MONTAJE DEL APARATO Antes de proceder al montaje, asegúrese de haber retirado todo el material de protección utilizado para el embalaje y transporte del aparato. Una vez retirada la estufa de su embalaje, examínela para asegurarse de que no presenta daños evidentes.
  • Página 4: Instrucciones De Utilización

    Asimismo, evite que la manguera llegue a estar en contacto con cualquier parte caliente del aparato.  Alinee la tapa de sujeción de bombona con la carcasa principal del aparato (véase la ilustración).  Antes de sustituir la bombona, asegúrese de que su llave de paso esté cerrada y que no hay llamas vivas (horno encendido, etc.) o fuentes de calor a proximidad.
  • Página 5: Mantenimiento

    MANTENIMIENTO A fin de que su estufa funcione de manera óptima y poder disfrutar de ella durante años, asegúrese de llevar a cabo las siguientes operaciones de mantenimiento a intervalos periódicos:  Mantenga las superficies exteriores limpias.  Limpie la superficie exterior de la estufa con un paño suave humedecido con una solución de agua y detergente líquido.
  • Página 6: Datos Técnicos

    La habitación deberá contar con una capacidad mínima de renovación de aire procedente del exterior de 100 AT-DE-CH-NL Fabricante: Ningbo Innopower Hengda Metal Products Co., Ltd Dirección: Donygang Village, Shiqi Town, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China - 5 -...
  • Página 7: Cláusulas De Garantía

    CLÁUSULAS DE GARANTÍA El Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007 de 16 de noviembre otorga a los bienes de naturaleza duradera una garantía legal de 2 años. Quedan excluidos de la garantía las averías o daños producidos por: 1. Instalación incorrecta (voltaje, presión de gas o agua, conexiones eléctricas o hidráulicas), reinstalaciones o amueblamientos efectuados por el consumidor sin aplicar las correctas instrucciones.
  • Página 9: Advertências

    ÍNDICE ADVERTÊNCIAS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 MONTAGEM DO APARELHO -------------------------------------------------------------- 9 INSTRUÇÕES DE UTILIZAÇÃO ---------------------------------------------------------- 10 MANUTENÇÃO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 CARACTERÍSTICAS TÉCNICAS --------------------------------------------------------- 12 CLÁUSULAS DE GARANTÍA ---------------------------------------------------------------13 ADVERTÊNCIAS LER AS INSTRUÇÕES ANTES DE UTILIZAR ESTE APARELHO. O APARELHO TEM DE SER INSTALADO DE ACORDO COM AS NORMAS E REGULAMENTOS LOCAIS. ...
  • Página 10: Montagem Do Aparelho

    MONTAGEM DO APARELHO Antes da montagem, assegurar-se de ter eliminado todas as proteções de transporte e materiais de embalagem. Depois de ter retirado o calorífero da embalagem, verificar que não tenha sofrido danos: no caso de não ter a certeza, não utilizar o aparelho e consultar um especialista do serviço de assistência técnica.
  • Página 11: Instruções De Utilização

    dobrado e que não entre em contacto com nenhuma parte quente.  Alinhar e encaixar a proteção traseira da bilha no corpo principal, ver  Para substituir a bilha, verificar que a sua torneira esteja fechada e que não existam chamas vivas (fornos acesos, etc..) ou fontes de calor no local onde se está...
  • Página 12: Manutenção

    MANUTENÇÃO Para desfrutar por muitos anos de um excelente desempenho do radiador, assegurar-se de levar a cabo regularmente as seguintes atividades de manutenção:  Manter as superfícies exteriores limpas.  Limpar a parte exterior do radiador utilizando um pano macio molhado com água e um detergente líquido.
  • Página 13: Características Técnicas

    100 cm de ar proveniente AT-DE-CH-SK I3B/P G30/G31 do exterior, para renovar o ar. AT-DE-CH-NL Fabricante: Ningbo Innopower Hengda Metal Products Co., Ltd Direção: Donygang Village, Shiqi Town, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China - 12 -...
  • Página 14: Cláusulas De Garantía

    CLÁUSULAS DE GARANTÍA O Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007 de 16 de novembro (legislação espanhola) outorga aos bens de natureza duradoura uma garantia legal de 2 anos. Ficam excluídos desta cláusula de garantia as avarias ou danos produzidos por: Instalação incorreta (tensão, pressão de gás ou de água, conexões elétricas ou hidráulicas), reinstalações ou colocações de móveis feitas pelo consumidor sem aplicar as instruções corretas.
  • Página 15 INSTRUCTION MANUAL CATALYTIC GAS HEATER ORIOPOWER MODEL: H5202 Please keep the manual for future reference. - 14 -...
  • Página 16: Warnings

    CONENTS WARNINGS ································································································· 15 ASSEMBLY OF THE APPLIANCE ····························································· 16 OPERATING INSTRUCTION ····································································· 17 MAINTENANCE ·························································································· 18 TECHNICAL DATA ····················································································· 19 GUARANTEE CLAUSES ············································································ 20 WARNINGS PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE. THE APPLIANCE MUST BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. ...
  • Página 17: Assembly Of The Appliance

    ASSEMBLY OF THE APPLIANCE ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Before assembly, make sure all packing and transit protection material must be removed. After removing the heater from its packaging, check it for damage: if you are unsure, do not use the appliance and contact qualified service personnel. The packing materials should not be left within the reach of children because they are potentially dangerous;...
  • Página 18: Operating Instruction

     Align the rear cylinder cover onto the main body.  To replace the cylinder, make sure that its tap is closed and that there are no open flames (lit oven, etc.) or sources of heat in the place where you are working. ...
  • Página 19: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE To enjoy years of outstanding performance from your heater, make sure you perform the following maintenance activities on a regular basis:  Keep exterior surfaces clean.  Clean the outside of the heater, use a soft cloth soaked with water and a liquid detergent. Do not use scouring pads or abrasive products.
  • Página 20: Technical Data

    The room must inhale at least 100 cm from the AT-DE-CH-SK I3B/P G30/G31 outside to replace the air. AT-DE-CH-NL Manufacturer: Ningbo Innopower Hengda Metal Products Co.,Ltd Address: Dongyang village, Yinzhou District, Ningbo 315155, China - 19 -...
  • Página 21: Guarantee Clauses

    GUARANTEE CLAUSES Royal Decree-Law 1/2007, of 16 November, grants goods of a durable nature a legal guarantee of 2 years. Damage or faults caused by the following are excluded from the guarantee: Incorrect installation (voltage, gas or water pressure, electrical or water connections), reinstallations or housings made by the consumer without applying the correct instructions.

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