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Immunity to electrical and electromagnetic phenomena to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for when installed according to the instructions and used a particular purpose. Axis Communications AB shall not in its intended environment. be liable nor responsible for incidental or consequential...
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Caused by Electronic Information Products (ACPEIP). AXIS P1435-LE: Contact Information This digital equipment fulfills the requirements for RF Axis Communications AB emission according to the Class B limit of AS/NZS CISPR 22. Emdalavägen 14 The product shall be connected using a shielded network...
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223 69 Lund Sweden Tel: +46 46 272 18 00 Fax: +46 46 13 61 30 www.axis.com Support Should you require any technical assistance, please contact your Axis reseller. If your questions cannot be answered immediately, your reseller will forward your queries through the appropriate channels to ensure a rapid response.
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English Battery The Axis product uses a 3.0 V CR2032 lithium battery as the power supply for its internal real-time clock (RTC). Under Safety Information normal conditions this battery will last for a minimum of five years. Read through this Installation Guide carefully before installing the product.
• Ne pas exposer ce produit Axis aux chocs ou aux fortes Gefährdungsstufen pressions. GEFAHR • Ne pas exposer ce produit Axis aux vibrations. • Ne pas installer ce produit sur des supports, surfaces ou Weist auf eine gefährliche Situation hin, welche, falls nicht murs instables.
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• (RTC) versorgt wird. Unter normalen Bedingungen hat die Evitare di esporre il dispositivo Axis a vibrazione. • Batterie eine Lebensdauer von mindestens fünf Jahren. Non installare il dispositivo su supporti, superfici o pareti instabili. Bei entladener Batterie ist der Betrieb der Echtzeituhr •...
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Indica una situación peligrosa que, si no se evita, provocará sustituir la batería, aparecerá un mensaje de registro lesiones graves o la muerte. en el informe del servidor del producto. Para obtener más información sobre el informe del servidor, consulte ADVERTENCIA las páginas de configuración del producto o póngase en contacto con el servicio de asistencia técnica de Axis.
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本製品を不安定なブラケット、表⾯、または壁 • ATENÇÃO に設置しないでください。 Indica uma situação perigosa que, se não evitada, poderá 本製品を振動するブラケット、表⾯、または壁 • resultar em morte ou lesões graves. に設置しないでください。 本製品を設置する際には、適切な⼯具のみを使 • CUIDADO ⽤してください。 電動⼯具を使⽤して過剰な⼒ Indica uma situação perigosa que, se não evitada, poderá をかけると、製品が損傷することがあります。 resultar em lesões leves ou moderadas. 化学薬品、腐⾷剤、噴霧式クリーナーは使⽤し...
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• При установке камеры Axis используйте o suporte da Axis em www.axis.com/techsup para obter только предназначенные для этого auxílio. инструменты. Приложение чрезмерных As baterias tipo célula de íons de lítio de 3,0 V contêm усилий к инструментам может привести к 1,2-dimetoxietano;...
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• Axis가 제공하거나 권장하는 예비 부품만 사용하 십시오. • 고객이 직접 제품을 수리하지 마십시오. 서비스 문제에 대해서는 Axis 지원 팀이나 해당 지역 Axis 리셀러에게 문의하십시오. 운 운 운 반 반 반 주 주 주 의 의 의 사 사 사 항 항 항 •...