automatically search out another station that
is playing the same material. This is useful
when the station you are listening to is fading
• During auto switching radio frequency,
some interference could be heard.
• Turning off AF function can settle this
TA Function
The TA (Traffic Announcement flag) function
lets the unit receive traffic announcements
automatically no matter what media source
is playing back. The TA function can be
activated by a TP (Traffic Program) station
broadcasting traffic information.
W h e n TA i s a c t i v a t e d a n d a t r a f f i c
announcement is received, the current
playing source will be overridden by the
traffic announcement if the current radio
band is FM, indicating that the unit is waiting
for traffic announcements.
The unit returns to the original source after
the traffic announcement has been received.
Radio Mode
PTY Function
PTY is the abbreviation for Program Type
being broadcast (e.g. News or Rock).
Then PTY options will display on the screen.
To view more PTY options, touch the scroll
bar and arrows on the screen.
When one PTY option is touched (e.g.
News), auto search for next available PTY
by increasing tuning frequency until the PTY
of the next station matches the current. If no
matched PTY has been found, the unit will
return to the original radio frequency.