Personal PA
Transmisor de banda ancha FM DSP
Figura 21: Página de preferencias
La página "Prefs" muestra las preferencias del usuario que se pueden adaptar a cada aplicación T45.
Changes what appears as large
or small on the front display
and what appears first on the
web interface channel/frequency
pull-down list.
Selects either the
8 non-interfering
simultaneous broadcast
channels, or all 17 channels.
Enables the custom description
field for editing.
Enables the T45 to use the first
20 characters of the Dante Device
Name as the T45 Description.
The text entered here will appear
on the front panel of the T45,
on the web interface,
and on the "Williams Sound
Figura 21: Página de configuración de red
Device Discoverer" tool
after the apply button is clicked.
La página Configuración de red muestra los valores de configuración de la conectividad NET. Normalmente, no se necesitan
después de la instalación inicial.
Set Dynamic/Static
IP Address Mode
Set static IP Address
and Subnet Mask.
Grayed out when
"DHCP" is selected.
Click on "Apply" to
save changes.
The T45 will reboot and
the web interface will
reconnect at the
new IP Address.
Dante Info shown on
model only.